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EKS Add-Ons is a new feature that lets you enable and manage Kubernetes operational software for your AWS EKS clusters. At launch, EKS add-ons supports controlling the launch and version of the AWS VPC CNI plugin through the EKS API

Creating addons

You can specify what addons you want and what policies (if required) to attach to them in your config file:

kind: ClusterConfig
  name: exmaple-cluster
  region: us-west-2
  version: "1.18"

  withOIDC: true

- name: vpc-cni
  version: 1.7.5 # optional
  attachPolicyARNs: #optional
  - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy
  serviceAccountRoleARN: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSCNIAccess # optional
  attachPolicy: # optional
    - Effect: Allow
      - ec2:AssignPrivateIpAddresses
      - ec2:AttachNetworkInterface
      - ec2:CreateNetworkInterface
      - ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface
      - ec2:DescribeInstances
      - ec2:DescribeTags
      - ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces
      - ec2:DescribeInstanceTypes
      - ec2:DetachNetworkInterface
      - ec2:ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute
      - ec2:UnassignPrivateIpAddresses
      Resource: '*'

You can specify at most one of attachPolicy, attachPolicyARNs and serviceAccountRoleARN.


In order to attach policies to addons your cluster must have OIDC enabled. If it's not enabled we ignore any policies attached.

You can then either have these addons created during the cluster creation process:

eksctl create cluster -f config.yaml

Or you can create after cluster creation using the config file or CLI flags:

eksctl create addon -f config.yaml
eksctl create addon --name vpc-cni --version 1.7.5 --serivce-account-role-arn=<role-arn>

Listing enabled addons

You can see what addons are enabled in your cluster by running:

eksctl get addons --cluster <cluster-name>

Discovering addons

You can discover what addons are available to install on your cluster by running:

eksctl utils describe-addon-versions --cluster <cluster-name>

This will discover your cluster's kubernetes version and filter on that. Alternatively if you want to see what addons are available for a particular kubernetes version you can run:

eksctl utils describe-addon-versions --kubernetes-version <version>

Updating addons

You can update your addons to newer versions and change what policies are attached by running:

eksctl update addon -f config.yaml

eksctl update addon --name vpc-cni --version 1.8.0 --serivce-account-role-arn=<new-role>

Deleting addons

You can delete an addon by running:

eksctl delete addon --cluster <cluster-name> --name <addon-name
This will delete the addon and any IAM roles associated to it.

When you delete your cluster all IAM roles associated to addons are also deleted.