gitops is a way to do Kubernetes application delivery. It works by using Git as a single source of truth for Kubernetes resources. With Git at the center of your delivery pipelines, developers can make pull requests to accelerate and simplify application deployments and operations tasks to Kubernetes.
provides an easy way to set up gitops in an existing cluster with the eksctl enable repo
Installing Flux¶
Installing Flux on the cluster is the first step towards a gitops workflow. To install it, you need a Git repository and an existing EKS cluster. Then run the following command:
eksctl enable repo --cluster=<cluster_name> --region=<region> --git-url=<git_repo> --git-email=<git_user_email>
Or use a config file:
kind: ClusterConfig
name: cluster-21
region: eu-north-1
# other cluster config ...
url: ""
branch: master
fluxPath: "flux/"
user: "gitops"
email: "<username>"
namespace: "flux"
withHelm: true
source: app-dev
revision: master
eksctl enable repo -f cluster-21.yaml
Note that, by default, eksctl enable repo
installs Flux Helm Operator with Helm v3 support.
To disable the installation of the Helm Operator, pass the flag --with-helm=false
or set git.operator.withHelm
to false
Full example:
eksctl enable repo --cluster=cluster-1 --region=eu-west-2 --git-email=<username> --namespace=flux
[ℹ] Generating manifests
[ℹ] Cloning
Cloning into '/var/folders/zt/sh1tk7ts24sc6dybr5z9qtfh0000gn/T/eksctl-install-flux-clone-142184188'...
[ℹ] Writing Flux manifests
[ℹ] Applying manifests
[ℹ] created "Namespace/flux"
[ℹ] created "flux:Secret/flux-git-deploy"
[ℹ] created "flux:Deployment.apps/memcached"
[ℹ] created "flux:ServiceAccount/flux"
[ℹ] created ""
[ℹ] created ""
[ℹ] created ""
[ℹ] created "flux:Deployment.apps/flux"
[ℹ] created "flux:Service/memcached"
[ℹ] created "flux:Deployment.apps/flux-helm-operator"
[ℹ] created "flux:ServiceAccount/flux-helm-operator"
[ℹ] created ""
[ℹ] created ""
[ℹ] Waiting for Helm Operator to start
[ℹ] Helm Operator started successfully
[ℹ] Waiting for Flux to start
[ℹ] Flux started successfully
[ℹ] Committing and pushing manifests to
[master ec43024] Add Initial Flux configuration
Author: Flux <>
14 files changed, 694 insertions(+)
Enumerating objects: 11, done.
Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 2.09 KiB | 2.09 MiB/s, done.
Total 6 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), completed with 3 local objects.
5fe1eb8..ec43024 master -> master
[ℹ] Flux will only operate properly once it has write-access to the Git repository
[ℹ] please configure so that the following Flux SSH public key has write access to it
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDYYsPuHzo1L29u3zhr4uAOF29HNyMcS8zJmOTDNZC4EiIwa5BXgg/IBDKudxQ+NBJ7mknPlNv17cqo4ncEq1xiQidfaUawwx3xxtDkZWam5nCBMXEJwkr4VXx/6QQ9Z1QGXpaFwdoVRcY/kM4NaxM54pEh5m43yeqkcpRMKraE0EgbdqFNNARN8rIEHY/giDorCrXp7e6AbzBgZSvc/in7Ul9FQhJ6K4+7QuMFpJt3O/N8KDumoTG0e5ssJGp5L1ugIqhzqvbHdmHVfnXsEvq6cR1SJtYKi2GLCscypoF3XahfjK+xGV/92a1E7X+6fHXSq+bdOKfBc4Z3f9NBwz0v
At this point Flux and the Helm Operator should be installed in the specified cluster. The only thing left to do is to give Flux write access to the repository. Configure your repository to allow write access to that ssh key, for example, through the Deploy keys if it lives in GitHub.
$ kubectl get pods --namespace flux
CLI arguments for eksctl enable repo
Flag | Default value | Type | Required | Use |
--cluster |
string | required | name of the EKS cluster | |
--region |
string | required | AWS region | |
--git-url |
string | required | SSH URL of the Git repository to be used for GitOps | |
--git-branch |
master | string | optional | Git branch to be used for GitOps |
--git-email |
string | required | Email to use as Git committer | |
--git-user |
Flux | string | optional | Username to use as Git committer |
--git-private-ssh-key-path |
string | optional | Optional path to the private SSH key to use with Git | |
--git-paths |
string | optional | Relative paths within the Git repo for Flux to locate Kubernetes manifests | |
--git-label |
flux | string | optional | Git label to keep track of Flux's sync progress; this is equivalent to overriding --git-sync-tag and --git-notes-ref in Flux |
--git-flux-subdir |
flux/ | string | optional | Directory within the Git repository where to commit the Flux manifests |
--namespace |
flux | string | optional | Cluster namespace where to install Flux and the Helm Operator |
--with-helm |
true | boolean | optional | Install the Helm Operator |
--commit-operator-manifests |
true | boolean | optional | Commit and push Flux manifests to the Git repo on install |
--read-only |
false | boolean | optional | Configure Flux in read-only mode and create the deploy key in read-only mode (only for Github) |
--additional-flux-args |
string | optional | Additional command line arguments for the Flux daemon | |
--additional-helm-operator-args |
string | optional | Additional command line arguments for the Helm Operator |
Adding a workload¶
To deploy a new workload on the cluster using gitops just add a kubernetes manifest to the repository. After a few minutes you should see the resources appearing in the cluster.
Installing a Quickstart profile in your cluster¶
Configuring gitops can be done easily with eksctl. The command eksctl enable profile
takes an existing EKS cluster and
an empty repository and sets them up with gitops and a specified Quick Start profile. This means that with one command
the cluster will have all the components provided by the Quick Start profile installed in the cluster and you can enjoy
the advantages of gitops moving forward.
The basic command usage looks like this:
eksctl enable profile --cluster <cluster-name> --region <region> --git-url=<url_to_your_repo> --git-email=<your-email> app-dev
eksctl enable profile --config-file=example/21-eks-quickstart-app-dev.yaml
This command will create a temporary clone of the specified repository and then it will follow these steps:
- add the component manifests of the Quick Start profile to your repository inside the
folder - commit the Quick Start files and push the changes to the origin remote
- Flux will install the components from the
folder into your cluster
eksctl enable profile --cluster production-cluster --region eu-north-1 --git-email=<username> app-dev
Cloning into '/tmp/gitops-repos/flux-test-3'...
Resolving deltas: 100% (37/37), done.
[ℹ] cloning repository "":master
Cloning into '/tmp/quickstart-365477450'...
Resolving deltas: 100% (53/53), done.
[ℹ] processing template files in repository
[ℹ] writing new manifests to "/tmp/gitops-repos/flux-test-3/base"
[master d0810f7] Add app-dev quickstart components
Author: Flux <>
27 files changed, 1207 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 base/LICENSE
create mode 100644 base/
create mode 100644 base/amazon-cloudwatch/cloudwatch-agent-configmap.yaml
create mode 100644 base/amazon-cloudwatch/cloudwatch-agent-daemonset.yaml
create mode 100644 base/amazon-cloudwatch/cloudwatch-agent-rbac.yaml
create mode 100644 base/amazon-cloudwatch/fluentd-configmap-cluster-info.yaml
create mode 100644 base/amazon-cloudwatch/fluentd-configmap-fluentd-config.yaml
create mode 100644 base/amazon-cloudwatch/fluentd-daemonset.yaml
create mode 100644 base/amazon-cloudwatch/fluentd-rbac.yaml
create mode 100644 base/demo/helm-release.yaml
create mode 100644 base/kube-system/alb-ingress-controller-deployment.yaml
create mode 100644 base/kube-system/alb-ingress-controller-rbac.yaml
create mode 100644 base/kube-system/cluster-autoscaler-deployment.yaml
create mode 100644 base/kube-system/cluster-autoscaler-rbac.yaml
create mode 100644 base/kubernetes-dashboard/dashboard-metrics-scraper-deployment.yaml
create mode 100644 base/kubernetes-dashboard/dashboard-metrics-scraper-service.yaml
create mode 100644 base/kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard-configmap.yaml
create mode 100644 base/kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard-deployment.yaml
create mode 100644 base/kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard-rbac.yaml
create mode 100644 base/kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard-secrets.yaml
create mode 100644 base/kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard-service.yaml
create mode 100644 base/monitoring/metrics-server.yaml
create mode 100644 base/monitoring/prometheus-operator.yaml
create mode 100644 base/namespaces/amazon-cloudwatch.yaml
create mode 100644 base/namespaces/demo.yaml
create mode 100644 base/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard.yaml
create mode 100644 base/namespaces/monitoring.yaml
Counting objects: 36, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (27/27), done.
Writing objects: 100% (36/36), 11.17 KiB | 3.72 MiB/s, done.
Total 36 (delta 8), reused 27 (delta 8)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (8/8), done.
0985830..d0810f7 master -> master
Flux will pick up the changes in the repository with the Quick Start components and deploy them to the cluster. After a couple of minutes the pods should appear in the cluster:
$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
amazon-cloudwatch cloudwatch-agent-qtdmc 1/1 Running 0 4m28s
amazon-cloudwatch fluentd-cloudwatch-4rwwr 1/1 Running 0 4m28s
demo podinfo-75b8547f78-56dll 1/1 Running 0 103s
flux flux-56b5664cdd-nfzx2 1/1 Running 0 11m
flux flux-helm-operator-6bc7c85bb5-l2nzn 1/1 Running 0 11m
flux memcached-958f745c-dqllc 1/1 Running 0 11m
kube-system alb-ingress-controller-6b64bcbbd8-6l7kf 1/1 Running 0 4m28s
kube-system aws-node-l49ct 1/1 Running 0 14m
kube-system cluster-autoscaler-5b8c96cd98-26z5f 1/1 Running 0 4m28s
kube-system coredns-7d7755744b-4jkp6 1/1 Running 0 21m
kube-system coredns-7d7755744b-ls5d9 1/1 Running 0 21m
kube-system kube-proxy-wllff 1/1 Running 0 14m
kubernetes-dashboard dashboard-metrics-scraper-f7b5dbf7d-rm5z7 1/1 Running 0 4m28s
kubernetes-dashboard kubernetes-dashboard-7447f48f55-94rhg 1/1 Running 0 4m28s
monitoring alertmanager-prometheus-operator-alertmanager-0 2/2 Running 0 78s
monitoring metrics-server-7dfc675884-q9qps 1/1 Running 0 4m24s
monitoring prometheus-operator-grafana-9bb769cf-pjk4r 2/2 Running 0 89s
monitoring prometheus-operator-kube-state-metrics-79f476bff6-r9m2s 1/1 Running 0 89s
monitoring prometheus-operator-operator-58fcb66576-6dwpg 1/1 Running 0 89s
monitoring prometheus-operator-prometheus-node-exporter-tllwl 1/1 Running 0 89s
monitoring prometheus-prometheus-operator-prometheus-0 3/3 Running 1 72s
All CLI arguments:
Flag | Default value | Type | Required | Use |
--cluster |
string | required | Name of the EKS cluster | |
--region |
string | required | AWS region where the cluster exists | |
--profile-source |
string | required | Name or URL of the Quickstart profile. For example, app-dev | |
string | required | Same as --profile-source |
--profile-revision |
master | string | optional | Git Branch of the Quickstart profile repository |
--git-url |
string | required | URL | |
--git-branch |
master | string | optional | Git branch |
--git-user |
Flux | string | optional | Username to use to commit to the Gitops repo |
--git-email |
string | required | Email to use to commit to the Gitops repo | |
--git-private-ssh-key-path |
string | optional | Optional path to the private SSH key to use with the gitops repo |
Further reading¶
To learn more about gitops and Flux, check the Flux documentation.
Installing components from a Quickstart profile on a specific directory without pushing¶
To install the components from a Quickstart profile in a specified folder without committing and pushing to a Gitops
repo the generate profile
command can be used:
eksctl generate profile --cluster=<cluster-name> --region=<region> --profile-source --profile-path <output_directory>
For example:
Cloning into '/tmp/cluster-21-086715755'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 10, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Total 187 (delta 2), reused 8 (delta 0), pack-reused 177
Receiving objects: 100% (187/187), 45.18 KiB | 616.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (86/86), done.
Already on 'master'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
[ℹ] cloning repository "":master
Cloning into '/tmp/quickstart-424579534'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 214, done.
remote: Total 214 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 214
Receiving objects: 100% (214/214), 57.06 KiB | 446.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (93/93), done.
Already on 'master'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
[ℹ] processing template files in repository
[ℹ] writing new manifests to "base/"
$ tree my-gitops-repo/base
$ tree base/
├── amazon-cloudwatch
│ ├── cloudwatch-agent-configmap.yaml
│ ├── cloudwatch-agent-daemonset.yaml
│ ├── cloudwatch-agent-rbac.yaml
│ ├── fluentd-configmap-cluster-info.yaml
│ ├── fluentd-configmap-fluentd-config.yaml
│ ├── fluentd-daemonset.yaml
│ └── fluentd-rbac.yaml
├── demo
│ └── helm-release.yaml
├── kubernetes-dashboard
│ ├── dashboard-metrics-scraper-deployment.yaml
│ ├── dashboard-metrics-scraper-service.yaml
│ ├── kubernetes-dashboard-configmap.yaml
│ ├── kubernetes-dashboard-deployment.yaml
│ ├── kubernetes-dashboard-rbac.yaml
│ ├── kubernetes-dashboard-secrets.yaml
│ └── kubernetes-dashboard-service.yaml
├── kube-system
│ ├── alb-ingress-controller-deployment.yaml
│ ├── alb-ingress-controller-rbac.yaml
│ ├── cluster-autoscaler-deployment.yaml
│ └── cluster-autoscaler-rbac.yaml
├── monitoring
│ ├── metrics-server.yaml
│ └── prometheus-operator.yaml
├── namespaces
│ ├── amazon-cloudwatch.yaml
│ ├── demo.yaml
│ ├── kubernetes-dashboard.yaml
│ └── monitoring.yaml
cd my-gitops-repo/
git add .
git commit -m "Add component templates"
git push origin master
After a few minutes, Flux and Helm should have installed all the components in your cluster.
Creating your own Quick Start profile¶
A Quick Start profile is a Git repository that contains Kubernetes manifests that can be installed in a cluster using gitops (through Flux).
These manifests, will probably need some information about the cluster they will be installed in, such as the cluster name or the AWS region. That's why they are templated using Go templates.
The variables that can be templated are shown below:
Name | Template |
cluster name | {{ .ClusterName }} |
cluster region | {{ .Region }} |
For example, we could create a config map using these variables:
apiVersion: v1
data: {{ .ClusterName }}
logs.region: {{ .Region }}
kind: ConfigMap
name: cluster-info
namespace: my-namespace
Write this into a file with the extension *.yaml.tmpl
and commit it to your Quick Start repository.
Files with this extension get processed by eksctl before committing them to the user's gitops repository, while the rest get copied unmodified.
Regarding the folder structure inside the Quick Start repository, we recommend using a folder for each namespace
one file per Kubernetes resource.
├── kube-system
│ ├── ingress-controller-deployment.yaml.tmpl
│ └── ingress-controller-rbac.yaml.tmpl
└── alerting
├── alerting-app-deployment.yaml
├── alerting-app-service.yaml.tmpl
├── monitoring-sidecar-deployment.yaml
├── monitoring-sidecar-service.yaml.tmpl
├── cluster-info-configmap.yaml.tmpl
└── alerting-namespace.yaml
Note that some files have the extension *.yaml
while others have *.yaml.tmpl
. The last ones are the ones that can
contain template actions while the former are plain yaml
These files can now be committed and pushed to your Quick Start repository, for example
cd repository-name/
git add .
git commit -m "Add component templates"
git push origin master
Now that the templates are in the remote repository, the Quick Start is ready to be used with eksctl enable profile
eksctl enable profile --cluster team1 --region eu-west-1 --git-url --git-email <username>
In this example we provide
as the Quick Start profile and
as the gitops repository that is connected to the Flux instance in the cluster named
For a full example of a Quick Start profile, check out App Dev.